Know When It’s Time for a Roofing Replacement

Roofing replacement

Your roof is one of the most fundamental parts of your property and rightly so. This particular foundation serves as your home’s protection from the elements, providing safety and coverage to your walls, attics, and other home systems.

Over the years, however, roofs can deteriorate and you may need to replace them. While you may stretch it out for the maximum number of years, there are some signs you need to look out for to let you know it’s time for a roofing replacement. Take a look at these.

How Long Roofs Last

In general, a roof’s lifespan can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years. But, there are those that can last for more than 50 and even up to 100 years.

A roof’s lifespan depends on a number of factors. For one, the material is perhaps the most important determining factor to this.

There are different types of roofing materials available on the market today. Asphalt roof shingles have around 15 to 20 years in them, while metal roofs can offer 25 to 40 years in terms of longevity. On the other hand, clay tile roofs can stay up for up to 100 years, as well as slate roof shingles.

Besides the roofing material, you also want to factor in the climate in the area. If your area is prone to receiving a ton of sun, the roof may corrode faster. Similarly, if your location gets a lot of rain, hail, humidity, and the like, this can make your roof less likely to adhere to it for a long time.

Signs You Need Roofing Replacement

Roofing replacement

Water Leaks

One of the surefire signs that your roof is already in need of a replacement is water leaks. Moisture marks are some of the signs you should look out for, such as stains on the walls or your attic, or even some blistered and peeling paint.

A leaking roof can pose bigger problems in the future. This can lead to rotting and sagging, both of which can damage the structural integrity of the roof and your home. You may want to hire professional roofers who can inspect your roof at least once a year.

Mold, Moss, and Fungi Growth

If water leaks and retention have already taken place, chances are there are also mold and moss in the area. A moist and humid environment is the perfect setting for these bacteria to thrive and these can also ruin the roof and harm the health of people living in your home.

Sagging Roof

As mentioned, a sagging roof is the product of water and moisture. If you see your roof sagging away, this means that there is moisture trapped under the boards of the roof.

This is one of the more pressing signs you should look out for when you’re thinking of getting a roof replacement. These droops mean that the roof is no longer structurally stable and this can mean a potential collapse in the future.

Cracked or Damaged Shingles

When you notice shingle granules in the gutter or your shingles have some curling, buckling, or cracks to them, this simply entails that these are no longer attached properly to your roof. This level of damage may not seem noticeable, but it actually means that your roof can blow away when harsh winds come your way.

Higher Energy Bills

Keeping your home’s optimal temperature shouldn’t be a challenge. If you notice that your energy bills are getting higher than usual, you should check your roof to see if it’s the culprit. Leaks or even just old age can lead air to escape from the roof.

Final Thoughts

Make your home even more safe and protected by getting a roof replacement. Call a professional when your roof exhibits these warning signs. With their help, you can give your roof and your home a new lease on life.