Is Roofing Skylights Worth It for Your Commercial Building?

Skylights became a trend many years ago because they offer a refreshing kind of aesthetic that lets people enjoy natural light and save on electricity.

While they are not as trendy as before, the proper execution of skylights can make them a functional and efficient roofing choice.

If you are thinking of getting roofing skylights for your commercial building, this can help you decide whether this is a worthwhile move. Check it out.

Commercial Building Roofing Skylights

What is Commercial Skylight Roofing?

Simply put, skylights are fixed windows on your roof. It lets sunlight it, giving it a more energizing appearance. It was a trend because of the aesthetic value it adds to any commercial building.

The thing about skylights is that while they are not as popular a choice as before, you can still find some of the most breathtaking applications around the globe.

Just take a look at the Fulton Centre in New York, which was built in 2014. People passing by the train station and shopping in the stores can enjoy the natural light thanks to the Sky Reflector-Net. It diffuses the sunlight to increase its brightness without making the place too hot.

Other examples of skylights in huge buildings include the Great Dome at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the more classic example, The Pantheon in Rome.

What to Expect from Commercial Roofing Skylights

With these awesome examples of skylights, you might be more interested in having one installed for your commercial building. Here’s what you can expect if you go through with the plan.

  • Improved Aesthetics

The most apparent benefit of having a skylight is the effect it has on aesthetics. A skylight can add an attraction to your building because of the aesthetic draw it offers.

Let’s face it. Natural light simply feels fresher and more invigorating than cold, artificial light. With the right design, it can increase the value of your building for added visual appeal.

The key here is to find the right type for the aesthetic you are going for. Do you want a flat skylight or do you prefer a domed one? How about a pyramid-shaped one? These can contribute to the overall look of the installation.

  • Better Ventilation

While skylights are essentially fixed window frames, building owners have the option to get venting skylights. These are the types that can open up to let air in. This is ideal if you want to maximize your savings and not only save on lighting but also ventilation.

The downside with this is that it can let cool air escape, especially if you have a cooling system running. The same thing applies to hot air and heaters. Make sure to plan to minimize wastage and additional costs.

Commercial Skylight Roofing Cost

  • Additional Installation Cost

Say, your building is already standing and you simply want to make changes on your roof. You should keep in mind that installing a skylight means disrupting part of your operations. Having one installed also has costs attached to them.

The good news is that the efficiency of the place will last for years to come. Just make sure that you maintain your roofing skylight to ensure that it is in good working condition at all times. This can also prevent additional problems such as leaks, damages, and more.

The Bottom Line

Roofing skylights can be a great move for your commercial building, but only if you do it right. If you want to have one installed, make sure to consult a professional roofer so they can assess how to proceed with the project and give you sound advice to improve the success rate of your plan.