What is a Green Roof and Can Your Commercial Building Get One?

Your commercial building offers spaces for lots of businesses. The thing with these structures is that they are often surrounded by buildings and concrete. An oasis in the midst of this urban complex can be a refreshing sight.

If you are looking for a way to create a verdant haven right on your own property, you should look into green roofing systems.

It gives your building a rejuvenating quality and a unique twist. Not sure what a green roof is and whether you can get one? Learn more about it here.

Green Roofs in Commercial Building

Defining Green Roofs

Green roofs are building roofing systems with a green area. They are often partially covered with plants, shrubs, and grass, even trees, but there are some with complete green covering.

So, you just need to place any potted plant on your roof and you are good to go, right? Well, green roofs are more complicated than that. You see, what differentiates green roofs is that the vegetation is unpotted, which means that grass, shrubs, bushes, and trees are planted directly on soil placed over the roof.

A green roof is often placed on insulated and waterproofed flat or sloped roofing that can bear great loads. This not only offers an eco-friendly space, but also enhances your building’s insulation, maximizes HVAC strain, and makes your roof more efficient.

How to Know if You Can Get a Green Roof

  • Assess the State of Your Roof

Your existing roof should be compatible with a green roofing system. Your commercial building is likely to have a flat roof, which makes it easier to convert into a green one.

However, you should remember that this system places tons of weight on your roof, so the first thing to do is to see if there are any vulnerabilities with it. You should look for cracks, significant dents, and any damaged foundation that can cause the roof to collapse under the added weight.

It is better to address these potential hazards before installing greeneries instead of having to deal with the aftermath of a disaster.

  • Check the Amount of Load Your Roof Can Bear

Say, you find that your roof is in good working condition. Your next step is to verify if your current system can carry the load of the vegetation.

The best way to proceed is to identify the type of green roof you want to install. Are you going for an extensive roof which is the lightest choice with a shallower layer of soil to support grass and small flowering plants?

Perhaps you want an intensive green roof which is the heaviest because of the deeper soil layer and larger vegetation it supports. You can also choose a balance between these two which is the semi-extensive green roof. This can support vegetation heavier than the extensive type, but lighter than the intensive one.

  • Get it Professionally Inspected

Before making a decision, you should take the wise choice by enlisting the help of professional roofers. An assessment performed by a roofing contractor will give you valuable information such as the compatibility of green roofs to your structure, the weight it can carry, and any possible hazards.

Green Roofing Services

Plus, they can detect issues such as flaws in the waterproofing, insulation issues, possible leaks, and more. Your best move is to consult professionals before having a green roof installed.

The Bottom Line

A green roof can give your building a refreshing edge that not only benefits you and its occupants visually, but also makes your property a more efficient one. For a smooth and successful green roof installation, make sure to contact a licensed roofing contractor,